Megan is away from July 18th and returning August 6th. Jocelyn will continue to be available during her usual hours.

Megan Fredheim, RMT

I was first introduced to Massage Therapy as a client, and my own liberating experience set me on a path to become an RMT.

Book with Megan

Megan At A Glance

Quick facts and achievements.

Select Highlights

  • 13+ years of Massage Therapy experience
  • Over 17,000 hours of massage treatments performed
  • More than 2,000 healthcare workers massaged
  • 20+ years living in beautiful Victoria, BC
  • Further educated with 10+ courses on Massage Therapy and chronic pain care
  • Experienced in a wide range of massage healing techniques and modalities

Education & Experience

  • Graduate of the 3 year, 3ooo hour Massage Therapy program at the West Coast College of Massage Therapy in Victoria, BC
  • First place winner, Spring 2010 Massage Therapist’s Association of BC Clinical Case Report Award
  • Systemic Deep Tissue Therapy®, Introductory, Intermediate, and Advanced Level designations
  • Systemic Deep Tissue Therapy® mentorship with Armand Ayaltin, RMT
  • Dr. Vodder’s Manual Lymph Drainage, Level I
  • Volunteer Massage Therapist at 2010 BC Summer Games
  • Massage Therapy provider to athletes at the Goodlife Fitness Annual Victoria Marathon 2010 and 2011

My journey as a Registered Massage Therapist

Megan’s Story

My Start in Massage Therapy

How a gift certificate sparked a career.

This story begins when I was in my early 20s, taking Global Studies at university.

I was offered a 6-month internship in Cambodia on very short-notice – just one week! – and I was stressed and anxious.

Was it the right opportunity for me?

To help relax, I decided to use a gift certificate to a local Massage Therapist that a friend had given me for Christmas.

Before the massage my anxiety and stress levels were Through. The. Roof.

But somehow this one treatment managed to relax my body to the point that it grounded my racing mind.

When left that appointment I was able to finally think rationally about this Big Decision I had to make. And I was confident in my choice.

I chose to not go to Cambodia. Today when I look back I still know it was the right choice for me at the time.

But I did end up volunteering in Guyana shortly thereafter.

And when I returned to Canada? I began my studies to become a Registered Massage Therapist.

Graduation & Specialization

Practising since 2010.

I graduated from the West Coast College of Massage Therapy in 2010. In 2018 I completed my Bachelor of Health Sciences at Thompson Rivers University

I’ve long held an interest in persistent pain and various musculoskeletal conditions. Ever since I was a student, I’ve wanted to better understand why sometimes pain remains even after tissues have healed.

During my time at WCCMT I even won an award for case study research on Thoracic Outlet Syndrome – which I’m sure you’re impressed about.

I’ve taken many different courses chasing the goal of better understanding persistent pain and how to treat it. I’ve been fortunate to receive mentorship from some of the best researchers and clinicians in the field.

Along with the book work I’ve practiced 1000s of hours of hands-on work. I have years of practical experience in treating a wide range of conditions:

  • Acute and persistent musculoskeletal pain
  • Peripheral neuropathies and compression injuries (carpal tunnel syndrome, thoracic outlet syndrome, etc.)
  • Headaches
  • Sports injuries
  • Lower back pain
  • Neck and shoulder pain
  • Injuries stemming from motor-vehicle incidents (MVAs)

Patient comfort and safety is paramount. When I finish a session, I want my patients to feel like they’ve been worked on, not overworked or worked over.

Today, helping people find relief from aches and pains is still a cornerstone of my practice. More recently, I have also been looking more at how the nervous system impacts pain experiences, and how therapeutic exercise can be used to compliment massage therapy.

An Incredible Experience

Why I love what I do.

It is such a privilege to be able to help other people feel better in both body and mind.

Being an RMT for me has been an incredible experience. Sure, like anybody, I have good days and so-so days.

But all in all, I love it.

Here are a few reasons why:

I’ve lived with anxiety and persistent pain.

It can be very, very draining. But I’ve also experienced the relief that massage therapy can bring. I’ve experienced first-hand how massage therapy can be transformative.

I find it both empowering and fulfilling.

Creating a safe, comfortable environment for others to experience the power of Massage Therapy is a source of pride and satisfaction.

I understand that pain can be a Really Scary Thing.

Through a combination of education, hands-on treatment, and home-care, I can help my clients not only feel better, but also reduce their fear and anxiety.

I am constantly challenged to improve.

I have always loved the process of learning, and Massage Therapy provides me with an outlet to continuously find ways to improve my skills and education.

So whether you need help to be able to pick up your child, to sleep through the night, to work comfortably, or to help you run your next 10k, it’s my goal to help you to reach your goals.

Cheesy? Maybe. True? Definitely.

Megan Fredheim
Registered Massage Therapist

Owner & Practitioner at Mighty Oak Massage Therapy
Victoria, BC, Canada