Megan is away from July 18th and returning August 6th. Jocelyn will continue to be available during her usual hours.

Massage Therapy Articles

Browse a collection of informative articles written on Mighty Oak’s favourite topic: Massage Therapy!

  • New Rates for 2024

    I wanted to take a moment to inform you about a recent change to Mighty Oak's pricing structure.

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  • Massage Therapy 101

    Learn the basics about contemporary massage therapy, and how it is regulated in British Columbia.

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  • Your First Massage Appointment

    You’ve booked your first appointment and your massage therapy treatment is nearly here. Here’s what you can expect.

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  • Megan’s Personal SDTT® Experience

    Mighty Oak’s owner, Megan Fredheim, had a first experience with Systemic Deep Tissue Therapy® that left a positive and profound impact. Here’s her story.

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