Megan is away from July 18th and returning August 6th. Jocelyn will continue to be available during her usual hours.

Massage Therapy

Mighty Oak brings an adaptable and systemic approach to Massage Therapy that emphasizes results over any one technique.

Mighty Oak’s Roots

Our ultimate goal is to empower you to get back to doing things you enjoy. To get there, Mighty Oak has to have healthy roots.


We approach therapeutic massage care through a systemic, bio-psycho-social lens. This means considering the context of your life, your experiences, and your whole body to find the source of your problem. Read more...


Our RMTs adapt to each client’s specific needs. Are you very sensitive to pressure? Do you like A LOT of pressure? Are you curious, determined, or perhaps doubtful? Whatever the case, we will meet you where you’re at.


We welcome and work with people of any gender and all ages. Every individual can expect the same sincere interest and motivation to resolve their health complaints. You don’t have to fit a specific mould to fit in at Mighty Oak.


Your RMT will use a combination of manual therapy and education during treatment. We want you to better understand what’s going on, and help to reduce your fear and anxiety around what you’re going through. Knowledge is power!

Primary Techniques

Below you can explore the various therapeutic massage techniques that your RMT blends together during appointments.

Mighty Oak is an inclusive, safe space where everyone is welcome.

  • All ages
  • All genders
  • All abilities
  • All bodies
  • All conditions
  • All goals
  • All pain levels

Who We Work With

Everybody is unique – we treat many different people – but over the years we’ve noticed some patterns. Can you relate to any of the personas below?

Systemic Therapeutic Massage

What is a ‘systemic approach’ to Massage Therapy?

Mighty Oak takes a systemic approach to therapeutic massage. But what does that actually mean?

Let’s start by defining the word systemic:

Systemic: relating to or involving a whole system

So put simply, in the context of Massage Therapy taking a systemic approach means that your RMT looks at your problem or concern within the context of your whole body being one complete system.

Not just “rubbing where it hurts”

Here’s a basic example:

Let’s say you’re coming in with neck pain. If it’s pretty recent, maybe we can just check out your neck, shoulders, and mid-upper back.

But if this pain has been a problem for a long time? We’re going to want to look at your whole body, starting from the hips, up the spine, and out from there depending on the specifics of the case.

In other words, we’ll look closely at the relationships between groups of muscles throughout your body to “read” what’s going on and look to address the cause.

Using a bio-psycho-social lens

It’s important (and more effective) to extend the systemic approach beyond the scope of your body.

Some issues are caused by outside influences, previous experiences or injuries, occupational hazards, and more.

When we take a step back to examine your specific complaint within this wider scope (through a detailed assessment phase, for example), we have an even greater chance of identifying and treating the problem at the source.

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